
Showing posts from July, 2018


Introduction The entire book of Proverbs can be construed as a web of wisdom knitted together to teach how one ought to handle certain existential issues, that is, it deal on guidelines on how to live here and now. [1] This text, (Prov. 9:1-18) concludes the section which serves as the prologue of the entire book of Proverbs; with its cynosure is on practical wisdom. The pericope employs the analogy of the banquet, in it we are presented with a comparison of two banquets, ‘the banquet Lady Wisdom’ and that of ‘Dame Folly’, while that of the former leads to life and fulfillment on the one hand, the telos of the banquet of the later, on the other hand climax in death and damnation. Thus, the analogy of the banquet used in this text perfectly align with the theology of the ‘two ways’, from which every person has to choose, ‘the way of water’ meaning ‘life here and now and life eternal’ and ‘the way of fire’ which implies ‘eternal death’ this two ways is represented by ‘Lady wisdom’


Introduction The inevitable reality of death has resulted to man’s untiring quest to known what becomes of him at death. The destiny of man at the climax of his earthy existence is one of the perturbing and puzzling issues in the in the Old Testament precisely in the wisdom corpus. Many passages in the Old Testament lucidly show either disbelief or uncertainty about the notion of after-life, thus, it is not surprising that it is considered worth probing by the author of the book of Wisdom. In fact, it is the ability of the author to offer solution to this puzzling issue by proposing the immortality of the soul which constitutes the hallmark of the entire work. [1] The book of Wisdom offers a breakthrough in proper understanding of retribution. [2] It goes beyond the traditional wisdom via the discovering that justice is undying, meaning that wisdom leads to a life beyond death thus he introduced notion of the immortality ( athanasia ) of the soul. This issue is quite sensitive

Take Life as it Comes, (Eccle 9:1-11)

Contents Introduction . 1 Wisdom literature . 1 Ecclesiastes . 1 Take Life as It Comes, Ecclesiastes 9:1-11. 3 Conclusion . 5   Introduction Ecclesiastes is one of the most unusual book and perhaps most difficult to understand books of the bible. It has a spirit of hopeless despair; it has no praise or peace; it seems to promote questionable conduct. Yet these words of the preacher show us the futility and foolishness of a life lived without an eternal perspective. In this paper, we shall discuss in details, the pericope: “Take Life as it Comes, (Eccle 9:1-11)”. To achieve this, we shall discuss briefly wisdom literature in general, the book of Ecclesiastes, and finally; Eccle 9:1-11, Take life as it comes. Wisdom literature Wisdom literature is a genre of literature common in the ancient Near East. It consists of statements by sages and wise men that offer teachings about divinity and virtue. Although this genre uses tech