
Showing posts from September, 2018


PROPOSITIONAL ATTITUDE             A propositional attitude is referred to be a mental state. It is actually the one held by an agent and tends towards a proposition. It can also be said to be a relation between a person and a proposition, such as beliefs, desire, and intention. Propositional attitudes are considered or regarded to be the fundamental units of thought, which they can either be true or false. It is important to note that someone may have different propositional attitudes towards the same proposition. Example of this can be ‘ Okon is anxious that the house is unclean’ and ‘ Okon knows that the house is unclean’. Propositional attitude feedback shows the cognitive relations which people bear to propositions. We typically make such reports by uttering propositional attitude reporting sentences like ‘Okon believes that Uduak broke his plate’, employing a propositional attitude verb like ‘believes’ ‘hopes’, and ‘knows’, followed by a clause that includes a full


JOHN L. AUSTIN PERFORMATIVE ACT THEORY The word “performative” is derived from the word ‘perform’ which signifies an action. This implies that when an utterance is isuued is a way of perfoming an act. Though the performative act theory has been critiqued, it is accused of employing the speaker-centered model when the meaning of acts is conceptualized. [1] John Austin and identified Performatives as sentences but noted that they are not just mere sentences rather they are those sentences that denote an action. He stated that performative act occurs in two ways. First, that which contains a performative verb which is apparent to the other party known as explicit. Second, that which its intention behind that utterance that one understands it known as implicit. John Austin posited various conditions and guidelines an utterance could be governed as performative. The first condition is that; performatives should be based upon convention. Second, the speaker should have the author

theology as a discipline in the light of Edward Schillebeeckx

Introduction In the history of man, there have been difficulties to define the term “theology” and prefer a universal method in which this can be carry out. Many relate this term to the mythical stories of the gods or to the worship of an emperor and others to the eternal creator, God. This essay aims to attempt an exposition of the analysis of the nature, method and goal of theology as a discipline in the light of Edward Schillebeeckx. This notion of theology is found in his book: Revelation and Theology . What is theology? Edward Schillebeeckx begins with the historical account of theology. At the beginning, the word was used with reference to the mythical stories of the gods. The view gradually became accepted, however that these myths about the gods were simply a mythological form concealing true reference to God. [1] For Aristotle, theology is the first form of philosophical thought. The first philosophy was concerned with the highest causes of the visible divine astral